Online ISSN : 1884-8117
Print ISSN : 0915-0390
ISSN-L : 0915-0390
盛岡 通吉田 登下田 吉之
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 25 巻 p. 391-396


Take back and recycling of used information technology (IT) and electric appliances consumed in homes were discussed from the view point of cyclic economy. First, paradigm-shift, technological development and evaluation research towards closed loop economy were reviewed. Here initiatives for industrial ecology were introduced. Second, the legislative processes and relevant circumstances were interpreted focusing on the IT equipment ordinance and foundation of working committee CYCLE within VDMA in Germany. Third, based on the interview survey, take back and recycling systems of personal computers and TVs were discussed with respect to design for environment, cleaner production process and reverse logistics as follows:
1) Surveys of current eco-design practices showed that technical innovation for dematerialized manufacturing, component count reduction, eliminated variation of materials and less hazardous substances use resulted in considerable decrease of disassembly time and number of the tools etc. and consequently enhanced loop closing.
2) Although sufficient quantitative data was not available, promoted production processes for pollution prevention were observed in order to save raw materials.
3) In terms of reverse logistic, major 3 types of take back scheme was proposed corresponding to the degree of the product responsibility, i.e. i) only manufacturers' organized system, ii) system with independent organizations' management and iii) shared system with manufactures and municipalities. These models were evaluated from the view point of feasibility of temporary stock yard, quality management of take back, effective market competitiveness and so on.

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