Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
Online ISSN : 1884-5258
ISSN-L : 1884-0833
Original Articles
Elaborate Creation to be Aware of Kansei on the Kyoto Canvas Company “Shinzaburo-Hanpu”
Author information

2012 Volume 11 Issue 4 Pages 527-533


Recently, Kyoto' company “Ichizawa Shinzaburo Hanpu” known by having settled in household trouble have developed the innovative and unique products which there are not in the age of the former Ichizawa Hanpu Industrial. So, it has been offered a lot of their products, such as a patterned bag, a bag by collaboration and so on. However, this company has been setting up the business system which is manufacturing and distribution, and has not had the section of product planning and design in their organization. Therefore, it seems to be difficult for them to do the product development with a change of an era and lifestyle, only based on their customers' feedback. In this study, we analyze their elaborate creation from the viewpoint of Kansei, based on the case study of their business bag development and the interview of their developer who determined the entry of business bag market.

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© 2012 Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
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