Online ISSN : 2187-2201
Print ISSN : 1347-9342
黒田 嘉宏中尾 恵黒田 知宏小山 博史小森 優松田 哲也
ジャーナル フリー

2003 年 2 巻 1 号 p. 43-49


Palpation has no standard education system and effective methods of training in internal medicine and surgical procedures. This paper proposes an advanced and integrated VR simulation framework supporting palpationthat makes importance of face sensation. The framework enables palpation of a beating aorta in cardiovascular surgery and indirect palpation for breast and prostatic cancer. Applying blood pressure to inner wall represents beat and enables users pinch beating organs. Interaction model between elastic objects simulates collisions of multiple organs and enables indirect palpation, in which doctors palpate the tissue of interest by touching interposing tissue. The system supports pre-processing procedures, in which elasticity and physical constraints of virtual organs are set for subsequent physics-based simulation, as well as real-time simulation procedures. Since palpation requires high resolution of haptic feedback, deformation and reaction forces are calculated based on finite element methods with several optimization methods. Users can palpate virtual organs with haptic devices and perceive stiffness of tissue. The evaluation with medical experts and students confirmed the developed system be useful for the experience, education and training of many kinds of palpation diagnosis.

© 2003 日本VR医学会

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